- Mycorrhizal fungi is imperative in order for your trees to communicate with the soil that it is trapped in. A mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association between a green plant and a fungus.
Simply put, introducing strands of fungi into the soil around your tree is one of the best ways to keep it as healthy and optimal as a living organism.
If you’re still here, endomycorrhizal fungi penetrate the cell wall and invaginate the cell membrane.
Plants grown in sterile soils don’t perform without the addition of spores or hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi to colonize the plants roots and allow the uptake of soil mineral nutrients.[50 Generally these are residential trees with no leaf litter and manicured lawns.
Soil fertilization happens with this very process. Dense clay soil like we have here around Buffalo, NY keeps a high moisture content. Moisture is key for mycorrhiza to communicate between the plants roots and the fungi.
One way we Certified Arborists propagate the soil around a tree is with full spectrum root fertilization. Essentially providing the minerals (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous etchetra. And combining the fungi from Rhizofuel; a Bio-Stimulant, benefical bacteria, fungi and mycorrhizal package all in one.