Answer no. Well at least not yet.
If you have gotten this far then you probably already know the Spotted Lanternfly is another invasive bug from Asia killing our plants and trees. Unlike the Emerald Ash Borer (which only targets the ash tree species), the Spotted Lanternfly feasts on a wide range of trees and plants. Western New York has diverse selection of trees, however the hardest hit trees are the maple, birch, black walnut, and even willow trees.
How close is the Spotted Lanternfly to Western New York?
This image from Cornell shows exactly where where the Spotted Lanternfly has been as of February 2021. Credit
Can my trees be saved?
Answer Yes! The good news is there are treatments available and your trees can be saved. That is good news to us in Western NY. If you think you may have seen the spotted lanternfly don’t hesitate to drop us an e-mail. You can reach us at Or use our contact page at the bottom.